Dental Implants are long-lasting, man-made replacements for the root of a tooth. If a patient has broken a tooth, or has a missing tooth due to an injury or tooth decay, a dental implant is typically the best replacement method for a single tooth or even several teeth. At Pickett Family Dental, we provide new patients with dental implants for a variety of reasons, but many patients come to us with questions about getting dental implants.
We’ve put together the top questions we get about dental implants and the most accurate answers we can provide via text on our website. If you have questions about your broken or missing teeth and whether dental implants are the right answer for your smile, then schedule an appointment with us easily online.
What happens in a dental implant procedure?
When Dr. Pickett places an implant in the upper or lower jaw, we first take CT scans that give us a three-dimensional image of the patients’ jaw to get a clear picture of how healthy the jaw bone is, how much is available to work with, and to be able to see where the nerves and sinuses are so that we can get the best placement for your implant without making it painful, and ensure a secure and long-lasting new tooth. Using the latest and most advanced technology available, we are able to quickly make dental implants and place them properly with the most precision possible.
If your jawline has suffered too much decay or if the bone is too small/weak, we may graft material to it so that it holds securely. Bone loss can be caused by infection, dental decay, past dental work, or other health conditions including autoimmune diseases such as lupus. For upper teeth, sinus augmentation may be necessary to provide sufficient material for an implant to be placed.
How long do dental implants take to heal?
It takes a minimum of 3 to 6 weeks for a dental implant to heal on a healthy individual, but up to 6 months for some with other conditions. Some of the reasons your jaw make take longer to heal after a dental implant are:
- Original condition of your jawbone
- Number of teeth that need to be replaced
- Number of teeth in sequence that need to be replaced
- Age
- Overall health of your immune system
With our advanced methods of placing dental implants, you no longer have to wait for the implant to be heals healed or for osseointegration before putting in the replacement tooth. Instead, we can do it all at once at our Keller, TX dentist office.
How effective are dental implants?
Our dental implants have a nearly 100% success rate over 10 years allowing for extreme cases where injury occurs. In most cases, our dental implants could last for 15 to 30 years or more. Keep in mind that the effectiveness and ability for the implants to last depends on proper maintenance. Dental implants require proper dental care just like the rest of your teeth. We’ll also continue to check on you dental implant each time you visit our office for a six month teeth cleaning.
How much do dental implants cost?
Dental implant costs can vary depending upon your specific situation, insurance, and the work needed. For an accurate quote, please give us a call and come in for a consultation to ensure you get an accurate price for yourself.