Achy gums, a sore mouth and headaches make for a miserable combination. Experiencing dental pain and toothaches can be so frustrating, not just because of the pain itself, but also because it can be hard to believe that something as small as a tooth can cause such a high degree of pain. Pain can be caused by an infection, a tooth extraction, injury or even just tooth decay. If you haven’t had a tooth pulled lately, it’s worthwhile to visit a dentist to check out what’s causing so much pain in your mouth.
Toothaches can come in sharp jolts of pain or dull aches. Either way, when they rear their heads they are more than unpleasant!

What Causes A Toothache
You might not always be able to pinpoint exactly what is causing an irritation immediately in your tooth, but there are ways to narrow down where the pain is coming from. Whenever you experience pain in a tooth your first assumption might be that it’s due to nerve pain and you’re probably right. Within each of your teeth is a root surrounded by nerves. If these nerves become inflamed or irritated, you will experience quite a bit of pain in that particular tooth.
Most often, a toothache is caused by infection, decay or injury of a particular tooth. Of course if you abruptly lost a tooth due to an injury or otherwise that will also cause quite a bit of pain. Dental pain can also be mistaken for pain that spreads from your jawbone, sinuses, ears and most rarely, your heart.
Home Remedies For Dental Pain
When you experience dental pain, it can be tempting to immediately schedule a dentist appointment in hopes of mitigating the pain. In many cases the pain will clear up on its own with some at-home treatment over the course of a couple of days. It’s a good idea to call your dentist to see if they take same day appointments or have appointment slots open in the days to come, but in the meantime here are a few home remedies to try to soothe the ache:
- Rinse with salt and water mixture, ½ teaspoon to 8 ounces of water
- Rinse with solution of equal part hydrogen peroxide and water
- Cold compress over the sore tooth or wherever there is swelling
- OTC pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen
- OTC anesthetics such as benzocaine
Remember that these suggestions are not meant to be long-term solutions for a toothache. Just because the pain goes away, does not mean there isn’t an underlying issue. Keep an eye on your pain and make sure to see a dentist, particularly if you’ve experienced a fever or have any swelling in your gums, as that can be a sign of an abscess.
When Should I See My Dentist?
If you’ve been treating a toothache at home with over the counter medicine, cold compress, and saltwater or hydrogen peroxide rinses and it still hasn’t gone away in 1-2 days, it’s time to visit your dentist. Extreme pain that doesn’t subside with treatment shouldn’t be left long without attention. You’ll know it’s time to see your dentist particularly if you have experienced a fever, ear ache or trouble opening your mouth wide.
Toothaches that are not serious in nature typically clear up within 48 hours and if you’ve still got nagging pain after two days of at-home treatment, it is likely you’re dealing with something more serious and should get into your dentist immediately.
Family Dental Care In Keller, Texas
When you’re battling a toothache you might feel silly to be so concerned with such a small part of your body. At Pickett Family Dental, we know the pain of a toothache can be debilitating, particularly if left untreated. If you’ve been wondering whether your toothache is anything to make a fuss about, don’t let it go too long without being seen. Call Pickett Family Dental today at 817-431-5514 to schedule an appointment.